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March 28, 2022

What is early-stage research and why is it important?

The term early-stage research is gaining traction as the entire scientific community starts to recognize the importance of disseminating findings and data far earlier in the research process. Pre-print servers are now well-established in many fields of academia, but there's a wealth of other important early-stage research that scientists should be sharing. At Morressier, we define early-stage research is all the findings, content, and data that are generated prior to a final published article. It is the research that scientists are working on right now, including their conference posters and presentations, datasets, images, videos, metadata, failed results, and of course pre-prints.

Despite being the foundation of every major scientific breakthrough, this content has traditionally been confined to the walls of the lab or conference hall. We're working to change this by building the home for early-stage research, providing scientists one place to share their data, discover relevant content, and gain recognition for their pre-published research.We believe that by sharing data earlier in the research process, scientists can avoid repeating each other’s work (and mistakes), and can benefit from the potential to build on their peers’ findings. The research process is long and complex, and it often takes years for findings to see the light of day in a journal article - if they even make it into a journal article. Sharing research each step of the way opens up the research process and helps scientists gain feedback from their peers, catch errors earlier, and discover the right people to collaborate with.Get started by diving into the world of early-stage research on Morressier and discover the latest findings in your field.